The best videos and tools for a personal, financial and career (r)evolution.

Revolutionise Social Support, Promote Economic Justice and Make Accessibility to Education Easier

RestartUs fights for a safer and fairer world. We continuously strive for a positive impact on a global scale and this is what drives us. Our purpose is to promote productive, healthy and enhanced lives for people whilst providing integral support to social organisations and small businesses that will help their own programs to thrive. We want to evolve all communities – particularly those of the diverse sectors of the most vulnerable – to deliver digital access to real education and opportunities without exception or judgement.

Rewarding Knowledge. A Different Streaming Service.

Beyond promoting the democratisation of knowledge, we believe in and defend social and economic inclusion in a world shaped by Covid-19. Our online digital platform will realise a constant evolution of your beneficiaries. RestartUs rewards beneficiaries for their achievements with certificates of knowledge recognition and “coins” for use with their continuous education and evolution.

A Circular Economy as the Key to Change. We Recreate Everything.

RestartUs uses unique technology and conceptual digital currencies to leverage the real economy. Our unique position is one that produces goods and services and creates jobs, this instead of the current digital financial models that accumulate a lot of capital in the hands of a few. We promote an unprecedented Circular Economy with the RestartUs platform that provides a revolutionary interface and tools to support more than 4.6 billion people online.

We Reimagine Purchasing Power. Nothing Will Ever Be the Same.

The story of our founders speaks for itself. Concerned about the direction of the planet and the brutal increase in social and financial inequality, they decided to act. They formed a global group of experts from various sectors to create RestartUs. They have included an innovative Digital Basic Income function to RestartUs. A daring concept representing RestartUs’ signature style.

Strategic Partnerships. Joining Forces with Purpose-Driven Organisations.

The RestartUs journey is never alone. RestartUs brings together a vast portfolio of sector partner organisations that have identical objectives or share similar purposes in pursuit of social transformation and economic justice for their own beneficiaries. Our partner network is vast and gives organisations massive resources to compliment their own programs and practices in a purpose built sense with RestartUs partnering with and helping you all the way. Please contact us to strengthen synergy with your organisation or company.

Organizations that use RestartUs Daily in their operations

First of All, a Human Company

We are building a human company that prioritises social impact and people's well-being rather than exorbitant profit. We care for our partners, our employees and their families and we never lose focus on human diversity and a global viewpoint. This fuels RestartUs and our integral to our mission.


Whether from our founders or collaborators, innovation is a central pillar of RestartUs. We continuously monitor the development of new concepts and social solutions for use within our platform and joint program development.


Integrity is crucial to RestartUs. We perform as we communicate, with integrity, transparency and always with the best outcomes and equal opportunities for our partners and beneficiaries. We strive for “A Fair Community”.


Characterised by the diversity of the RestartUs family, we are a company that defends social and economic inclusion. This where every individual - without exception - has equal rights and the same opportunity to grow, prosper and live.

Second Chances

We believe in the power of second chances, and the spirit of mutual help. A determining factor for the learning process, creating an evolution pathway for the people we serve.


Esta ação é irreversível. Se prosseguir você perderá todos os dados, currículos, moedas digitais, entre outras ações que realizou na plataforma. Mesmo assim deseja continuar?

Ofertas disponíveis apenas para membros.

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